۲ آذر ۱۳۸۶

Democracy in Iran

Iranian System of governing is different from any other country in the world. we can not call it absolutism because nearly all posts all decided in a (so called) democratic way and by voting different from Arab states. Also we can not call it democratic because there is no really free election in Iran.In fact the world people are not familiar with Iranian system of governing. Even many of western politicians who are in position to deal with Iranian problems are not familiar enough to make right decision toward Iran and Iranians. They usually make mistakes because they don’t know Iran. For example they didn’t support reformist government of president Khatami and this resulted to radical government of president Ahmadinejad.In this short writing I will give you some information on Iranian system of governing.1- The leader is elected by the vote of Khobregan council parliament with about 80 members (all are clergymen) there is no limitation of time for leader. The members of this parliament are elected by direct vote of people.2- The president is elected by direct vote of people of people for four years.3- The parliament members are elected by Iranian voters for four years (about 300 members).4- Guardian council with 12members are decided in this way: six clergymen chosen by the leader and six other jurists chosen by the head of judicial system who himself is chosen by the leader.What is ambiguous?Guardian council has the widest realm of power. They can decide which person is qualified or unqualified to be a candidate for Parliamentary election, Presidency election, Khobregan election. They can decide candidates for all elections. They have the responsibility to interpret constitution law.Reformists in Iran are in the side of free election they are against this system of deciding candidates.

قبلا نام کتاب تاریخ دورود نوشته دوست ارجمندم حسین چراغی را شنیده بودم. اما اخیرا توفیق حاصل شد و این کتاب را از کتابفروشی آقای پیراهن سیاه خریداری نمودم. خواندن این کتاب را به شما دوستان توصیه می کنم.
برای ما که در دورود زندگی می کنیم و زندگی و سرنوشت ما با شهر دورود پیوند خورده است ضروری است که شهر و محل زندگیمان را بشناسیم. کتاب تاریخ دورود اولین کتابی است که بطور جامع درباره شهر دورود نوشته شده است. ناگفته پیداست که نویسنده آن جناب آقای حسین چراغی تلاشهای طاقت فرسایی را متحمل شده است. جا دارد به ایشان خسته نباشید و تبریک بگوییم.
امیدوارم همشهریان دورودی با آغوش باز از این کتاب استقبال کنند تا مایه دلگرمی اهل تحقیق باشد و زمینه برای آثار ارزنده بیشتری فراهم گردد.
از همه شما دوستان می خواهم کتاب تاریخ دورود را از کتابفروشی ها تهیه کنید. در باره کتاب تاریخ دورود باز هم خواهم نوشت.
درباره این کتاب نظر بدهید از نظرات شما استفاده خواهم نمود.
14 نظر

اسلام و دموکراسی

نوشته: اسفنديار خدايي ۲۷/۷/۸۶
الف) از جنبه عقلي و فلسفي: اگر اسلام ريشه در وحي الهي دارد كه بر پيامبر اسلام(ص)نازل شده است، دموكراسي ريشه در ريشه در عقل و تجربه بشر دارد كه همان پيامبر دروني انسان است. در واقع اسلام و دموكراسي يا بعبارت ديگر اسلاميت و جمهوريت هر دو از يك منبع مي آيند و با هم تضادي ندارند. اسلام از طريق پيامبر بيروني «پيامبر اسلام» و دموكراسي از طريق پيامبر دروني «عقل» و محصول تجربه تفكر و آزمايش و خطا است. دموكراسي يك سرمايه جهاني است كه متعلق به ملت يا مكتب خاصي نيست.
ب) از جنبه سياسي: اگر وضعيت كشورهاي اسلامي را بررسي كنيم مي بينيم اسلامگراها در همه جاي جهان آرزومند و تشنه دموكراسي هستند و بيشترين منافع را از تحقق دموكراسي دارند. مثلا:
در مصر اگر حكومت ديكتاتوري حسني مبارك بالاختيار يا بالاجبار تسليم برگزاري انتخابات آزاد شود، اسلامگراها قطعا به حداقل حقوق مسلم خود كه همان فعاليت و تبليغ آزاد است خواهند رسيد و به احتمال زياد كرسي هاي قدرت يكي پس از ديگري توسط اسلامگراها فتح خواهد شد.
در تركيه وضعيت آشكارتر است. در سالهاي اخير هرگاه انتخابات عادلانه و جريان آزاد قدرت در تركيه حاكم شده است احزاب اسلامگرا همچون عدالت، رفاه و فضيلت قدرت را در دست گرفته است. اما هر گاه با مداخله نظاميان دموكراسي محقق نشده به نفع مخالفان دين يا لائيك هاي و به زيان اسامگراهاي تركيه بوده است.
در پاكستان اگر ژنرال مشرف تن به اصلاحات دهد و تسليم انتخابات آزاد شود
ادامه مطلب را بخوانبدادامه مطلب

۲۸ آبان ۱۳۸۶

Democracy in Iran

Iranian System of governing is different from any other country in the world. we can not call it absolutism because nearly all posts all decided in a (so called) democratic way and by voting different from Arab states. Also we can not call it democratic because there is no really free election in Iran.In fact the world people are not familiar with Iranian system of governing. Even many of western politicians who are in position to deal with Iranian problems are not familiar enough to make right decision toward Iran and Iranians. They usually make mistakes because they don’t know Iran. For example they didn’t support reformist government of president Khatami and this resulted to radical government of president Ahmadinejad.In this short writing I will give you some information on Iranian system of governing.1- The leader is elected by the vote of Khobregan council parliament with about 80 members (all are clergymen) there is no limitation of time for leader. The members of this parliament are elected by direct vote of people.2- The president is elected by direct vote of people of people for four years.3- The parliament members are elected by Iranian voters for four years (about 300 members).4- Guardian council with 12members are decided in this way: six clergymen chosen by the leader and six other jurists chosen by the head of judicial system who himself is chosen by the leader.What is ambiguous?Guardian council has the widest realm of power. They can decide which person is qualified or unqualified to be a candidate for Parliamentary election, Presidency election, Khobregan election. They can decide candidates for all elections. They have the responsibility to interpret constitution law.Reformists in Iran are in the side of free election they are against this system of deciding candidates.

Iran economy today

Iran has a large amount of oil and gas deposits. The developed world is highly dependent in Iranian oil and gas. But Iran has not used this merit to develop its economy for three reasons:1- Iranian governments did not use it properly, reasonably and economically.They habitually spent it to compensate their current expenses not economical projects and supporting private section of economy.2- The 8 year war between Iran and Iraq is the second reason. During those years billions of dollars was spent to run the full sterling war.3- US-based economical sanction is the third reason which highlighted Iranian dependence to oil instead of trade and industry.These three reasons have made Iranian economy sick and weak. The advent of president Ahmadinejad made the situation worse. Because his arrogant view toward the outside world has created more tensions. Recently the UN Security Council has condemned Iran for two times. Also president ahmadinejad did not follow the economical scientific rules. Many Iranian economists protested his plans, but he didn’t consider their advices.The only positive outlook is the extra high price of oil as the result of world economical condition which may save Iranian economy.

Iranian parliamentary election is coming

Four next 4 months the most important topic in Iran is parliamentary election. Again reformists and conservatives are getting prepared for joining in this political competition.Conservatives or the supporters of President Ahmadinejad use national media (TV) to gain enough public votes to possess majority of parliament seats.On the other hand reformists or supporters of former president Khatami are in a more difficult situation. They may get disqualified by guard council. Also they lack enough media to make close contact to the public. Of curse reformists can make benefit from the dissatisfaction atmosphere of ahmadinejads political and economical program. Regarding their limitation of media Can they use this tool?

TV is our greatest rival

safdar Hosseini a member of reform coalition base said: As we have experienced in city council election last year, reformist can again come together to gain great successes.He continued our greatest rival is national media "TV" which tries to separate reformists and cause disunion among reformists. Every night we see scenarios from TV which resulting from misusing power. TV is a national media and belongs to all Iranians not a special party or taste.Reformists unfortunately don’t have financial support and lack enough media to defend themselves, the only way remaining is union and companionship.

Democracy meets moderate Islamists wishes

A quick look at the Islamic countries reveals the fact that moderate Islam coordinates democratic values. In fact if democracy establishes in these countries, moderate Islamists will gain more than anybody else. They will receive the freedom of activities and get ride of cruel dictators which limits their freedom. here is more concrete examples:
In Egypt if a free and just election happens, moderate Islamists will surely achieve at least their minimum rights. Maybe they can win majority of seats of parliament.In Turkey the situation of Islamists is better. Any time that a free election is performed the winner is an Islamic party like Adalat, Fazilat and Refah. And whenever the military forces prevent free election, the Islamists stand in weaker position.In Pakistan if general Mosharaf issue the permission of a really free election Islamists will gain more benefits and the freedom of activity.In Europe Moslems gain a lot of the democratic atmosphere and whenever an undemocratic decision"n like the laws against Hijab" is taken, Islamist will lose more than any body else.Who is against democracy in Islamic countries?1- The dictator rulers who feel unsafe about free democracy. They know that in a free democratic election they won't win.
2- The United States of America! It is surprising if one says that the U.S.A is always at the side of dictators and stands against democracy in Egypt, Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and any other Islamic country.

The story of benzene in Iran

Recently government made a great decision on benzene. That is each automobile has only a share of 3 liters each day. The taxi drivers were permitted to have a share of 15 to 30 liters each day because of their important role in transportation.This decision was made because Iranians used to buy benzene about 80 Tomans (about 8 cents). And that cost government about 500 Tomans (about 50 cents) per liter. It is said once Putin thr Russian president in his travel to Tehran asked about the price of a liter of benzene and then he asked about a bottle of water that was about 300 tomans. He concluded that in Iran benzene is cheaper than water!Today the price of benzene has not changed. But the difference is that each car has a special share and can not exceed this limit. Strangely there is no free benzene because the government is afraid of inflation of prices. They say if we deliver free benzene on its real price (500 tomans) it will affect the price of all goods and services in all over Iran and this will inevitably arise public dissatisfaction against government.Today many Iranians disagree with this decision, some question the way it is carried out. Others blame taxi drivers who sell their share of benzene instead of using it in the transportation system.This is the main story

Finally negotiation! Iran and US

What has happened? Iran and United States have never had a peaceful day after Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979. They have repeatedly stood in the emergency situation of military war, yet this has never happened as expected.On one side The late leader Ayatollah Khomeini called USA the great devil and on The other hand US president Jorge W Bush has placed Iran in The in the axis of wickedness beside Iraq and North Korea.
But recently a little has changed and it seems that both sides have found it is better to be milder. President Ahmadinejad says we are ready to negotiate on the topic of Iraq. Mr. Larijani reveals of course there is something beyond Iraq affairs, yet be sure we won't compromise over our national benefits.who stands in a higher position in these negotiations? It is clear that it is Iran. First because of US defeat in Iraq and second because the US president Jorge W Bush is getting weaker and weaker to make a real threat of military war. And Iran knows this fact.